This game was made for Trijam 161 with the theme of "Pressure Rises."

My implementation of the theme is the walls closing in around you and the enemies spawning fast thus, increasing the pressure on the play.

Controls are WASD to move.

LMB - to shoot Weapon 1

RMB - to shoot Weapon 2

MMB to shoot Weapon 3.

Using Weapon 2 and 3 will drain your power.

There are power-ups that spawn to replenish health and power.

The walls will eventually close on you to where you can't move and the enemies will destroy you. Then the game will end.

Future plans - An actual win condition that leaves to more levels and possibly a permanent upgrade system.

All assets were made by myself.

I chose to only use 2 colors for this game on purpose for a minimalist art style. I also couldn't think of a good name for the game so for now the working title is "I hope you like pink."


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I like it :D I ended up covered in PINK! SCORE: 67853

Thanks for the play. Glad you like it! Hopefully I will have some time to expand on this project in the near future.


I enjoyed it! really fun!


The art style is really good. It was a good idea to stick with a monochromatic scheme.